Wednesday, December 10, 2008
This is the end of another day for me and I thought that I would post a little something here. My housekeeper was here today and the apartment is clean and I have helped Paul to get ready for bed and he is now sleeping...I divided my wash into two piles darks and light colored as I am having some help come tomorrow to help me. They are called Comfort Keepers and they will help me laundry and I hope to learn how to find out how to take better care of Paul..thanks to Steve who help me get in touch with them...keeping all of you in my thoughts and prayers....Mary
Friday, November 21, 2008
Yesterday was a hard day for snowed off and on all day and really a bad day weather wise...Paul decided that he wanted to go outside and I tried to talk him out of it and after calling Steve (who had a meeting with his boss) I tried to physically to stop him but I couldn't so I quickly put on my coat and boots and told him that if he was going out that I was going to...we went downstairs and out into the vestibule and he stood in front of the doors and I sat down trying still to reason with him ...after about an hour he finally came back upstairs...I was so weary as Wednesday, I went to my Pain Management Clinic and they gave me two shots which doesn't kick in to relieve me for several fact this morning, I had to take a pain pill...while I was down getting my hair done, Steve came over and took his Dad over to his house to show him all they are doing to it and then came back and played some piano for Dad to listen to and I was finished with my hair, I sat down and listened to a few of the numbers until I had to come up and take my clothes out of the dryer...we went downstairs to a Residents Potluck at 4p.m. and quite a nice meal and visit with other residents...Steve and Eileen sent me a Jibjab card...I have received so many cards and have them on the Hutch in the living room..this kind of weather is so nice to get a good book and be lazy...goodnight everyone...see you in my and prayers, Mary
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Saturday evening................
I have been watching Hallmark channel and saw a movie which is something I haven't done...I can't remember the last time I did this...busy day today...went to the grocery and when I came back the ladies downstairs said that Paul had been down twice looking for me and when I came upstairs the was upset so I sat down and listen to him..he , I think, was upset because he thought that I was gone too long but I think that he couldn't remember where I was....however, I finally calmed him down...Steve was here and did our bills..then after he left, I fixed us some lunch..then I did a load of whites and did some reading..I spent some time at the computer as I just jointed the Facebook of Anderson Alumn but I was a little disappointed that more of my friends were not members and I think that I am probably the oldest person on the site..I don't know for sure but think so but it has been interesting to do this...Eileen called to see if she could take me to Church but I told her that my friends son-in-law was picking me up but I would appreciate her picking up and bring me home...we have a forecast of snow for tomorrow..well, enough for now..I am going to get ready for bed and retire...hope everyone has had a good and prayers...Mary
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
I didn't see the sun at all today and I was looking for it...I started out the day very tired and a back ache..I am still tired and have back ache so I will have to take a pain pill in order to rest tonight...Steve dropped by for a chat and he filled Dad's meds for the week..I made us some lunch and then at 1 PM, we went down to the Theatre Room and had a devotional and communion with a Catholic Nun in charge..she is planning on coming once a month..I asked her about nonCatholics taking communions and she responded that she didn't know how many Canon Laws she had broken and we did take communion..I was especially pleased to take Paul since he doesn't go to Church with me..I have managed to go three Sundays in a row and hope to as many as I can..I am yawning as I am typing this so I'm going to just say Goodnight and God Bless All my Loved Ones and Friends....Mary
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Really Amgry with PAJ...
Guess what?? this has not been a good evening for me...first I am sitting on my couch with my left hearing aide out of my ear and somehow, I flipped it somewhere and now I cannot find it...very frustating and then Paul wants a dish of chocolate pudding which I dish up for him and tell him to come to the table and eat it and he promptly walks over and picks up and sits down on the couch (where I was sitting and ignores me since I am fussing and asking who is going to clean the chocolate out of my couch when he spills it...luckily he didn't spill it for which I am eternally grateful but still kinda of upset as you can see...this is when the stubborn streak of German comes out very strongly..oh well, I can be thankful that it turned out well and that I am not now scrubbing the couch to get chocolate out of it...oh yes, a tidbit of news from Hour of friends were discussing it in our coffee klatch this afternoon..and I wen t on their websight to confirm what they were lady said that the Senior Minister fired his son... not so....they simply each had a different vision of where they wanted to take the Hour of Power in the future and since it was and is the senior Pastor's project...they decided to part ways...when I came out of church this morning, it was trying to snow but didn't last..I made a new friend at church this morning and her name is Mary...I am slowly getting acquainted since we have coffee immediately after the early morning worship and Sunday School...I feel better and the steam has stopped steaming from me because I was so upset with Dad..usually I can control it a little better but guess I have had a full day and am tired...talked with Mark..he and Leigh were at the Fenton house and they have a last gotten rid of all the excess food which I had squirreled away..told me the basement was dry...during hurricane season, I was worried that we had a backup in the basement but did not..he also was looking for some items that I wanted to take home with them and bring on their next trip over..I contacted my friend, Bev, to have someone rake the leaves..Mary said that the backyard was full of leaves but the front yard didn't look too badly..however, they could have raked the leaves and more leaves could have fallen...oh well, the trials of absentee home owner..hope all of you have your leaves raked and put all your flower bed to sleep for the and prayer, Mary
Saturday, November 8, 2008
This has been a long day and I am very weary tonight...I awaken around 6 a.m. and Dad was up and when I asked him what he wanted for breakfast..I gave him three choices, one being bacon and eggs and he chose that...I am beginning to realize that when I enclude this as one of his choices that he will always take bacon and eggs and being smart enough to learn this, when I don't feel up to fixing bacon and eggs I will simply not give him this choice..I fixed his breakfast and went down to put my clothes (which I washed yesterday but didn't have time to dry and then back to the aprtment to have my breakfast and get Paul washed and ready for the day..then back to take things out of the dryer and put on hangers....then Paul and I (after dressing) took a CD and went down to the Dining Hall to have hot cocoa for Paul and coffee for me...the ladies were there playing a game and I asked them if we could put on our record and they o.k'd it...just as we getting ready to leave, another lady came and said she thought there would be someone to visit with so I sent Paul on up to the apartment and I stayed the meantime, a three more ladies show up to visit...I stayed awhile longer and then decided to go up and on the way up I decided that Paul and I could drive down a Pub and Bar and have our we were pulling out we had a little sleet..Paul said he thought that I should practice driving around the apartment building but I told him that I had license and that I could drive...we really had delicious food but I was exhausted when I god back..besides having to put dress slacks on Paul (he wears leisure pants around the apartment) and helping him in and out of the car..he is so slow and I am (without a hat) out trying to fasten his seatbelt and then unfasten when we get the Pub...then
I couldn't remember how to turn the lights off and called Eileen and Steve to come over and turn them off which they did least, we got a visit from them out of it..they brought their sweeper to help me clear my bed of seeds from my little headpillow (which probably came over in Noah's Ark as it is so old)..oh well , another item to replace..I plan on going to Church tomorrow...three Sundays in a row if something doesn't happen to keep me from going....oh yes, I bought a red toaster oven on sale at Meiers and gave my old toaster to Eileen and Steve..we had chilli, cheese and crackers for our supper tonight...hope all are well and and prayer, Mary
I couldn't remember how to turn the lights off and called Eileen and Steve to come over and turn them off which they did least, we got a visit from them out of it..they brought their sweeper to help me clear my bed of seeds from my little headpillow (which probably came over in Noah's Ark as it is so old)..oh well , another item to replace..I plan on going to Church tomorrow...three Sundays in a row if something doesn't happen to keep me from going....oh yes, I bought a red toaster oven on sale at Meiers and gave my old toaster to Eileen and Steve..we had chilli, cheese and crackers for our supper tonight...hope all are well and and prayer, Mary
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Thursday Afternoon..................
We had Pizza furnished by Visiting Doctors ( a group of doctors who make house calls) and then after we came upstairs I made Meatball Hominy Stew for supper...Steve took me to Aldie's this morning where I picked up some needed items and then came home and put the freezer things in the freezer and went down and played a half-hour of Bingo..didn't win anything but enjoyed being with the ladies...I have almost a box of clothes for the Good friend Ivy has offered to take them to Good Will for me..yesterday I had an 8 O'clock appointment with my M.D. and a 3p.m. appointment with my talk between Steve took me to Ditto's to shop (they had a sale on their clothing of buy one, get one and I made out like a bandit..hence I am getting rid of more of my too large clothing.when I came back, Paul was so scared and couldn't deal with my being away that long even though I told him it would a long time...he said that he went down to the office and told them that I was missing and Becky told him to go back upstairs but when he returned later with the same message, she came up to the apartment thinking that maybe I had fallen or needed help..then when I returned I told Paul that I would go down and tell them that I was found...Eileen suggested that I could get a white board and when I have to gone to just write it down for him....lovely day today but everyone says that tomorrow we will have cold weather..I came back up from downstairs and sat down and promptly went to sleep..I am really doing a lot of this..I suppose that I am catching up on all the lost sleep I have had in the last few years... LOVE AND PRAYERS,,,,MARY
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Up at 5 a.m. and decided to write a few lines...this has been an interesting week for me...On Tuesday, Steve took me to shop at Family Worth, Family Dollar and Walgreens where I was able to pick up some items that we needed..then on Thursday, Eileen and I went to lunch downtown at 8th Street Grill where I had a bowl of Clan Chowder..yum, yum and fish, chips and slaw for lunch while Eileen had the chowder and a salad..then we went to the fudge store where I purchased some fudge and the candy store where I purchased some of their many varieties of candies (this store takes me back in my memory to the corner grocery store of my childhood where there was many bins of candy and you could get a little bag of candies for a penny a piece..this was fun..while we were lunching, Steve came over and brought Paul some Kentucky fried chicken and visited with him..then yesterday I made some chicken stew with dumplins in my crock pot and had just enough for Dad and I a bowl, a bowl for Eileen and a bowl each for my friends Kay and Ivy here in the village...these ladies have been so good to me that I try to find ways to show my appreciation...Paul had me up this morning around 4 a.m. and I had a hard time getting him back to bed...he kept telling me there was someone in his room and finally I was able to convince him to go back to bed..also, we had a telephone call from Chuck Woods who was in the quartet with Paul during our college years and Paul was able to talk with him and knew who he was..Chuck and Paul are the remaining members of the quartet still living. as you can see, this has been a very full week and I am beginning to cope a little better with my situation...I plan on going to Church this morning..Eileen has been picking me up and taking me to the Presbyterian Church and coming and getting me before she goes to her Church but today I will be going with a lady here at the village and her daughter and then Eileen will pick me up after church and bring me home..I was so tired last evening but feel rested this morning...hope that all of you have a wonderful day...enjoy...this is the first day of the rest of your and prayers....Mary
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Tuesday Evening..........
This has been a busy day...this morning I had to go at 8:15 a.m. to the doctor's office to get some blood work done...then Steve stopped by McDonald's and I got an egg Muffin and a cappucino Steve and Icino and a pumpkin pie for Paul...he took me home where I had breakfast and then came back an hour later and took me to two Dollar General ajd Dollar worth where I was able to get some needed items at pretty reasonable prices...then brought me back home and the he and Mark picked up lunch and came up to the apartment and had lunch with nice to have Mark visiting for a few days...the boys did some moving around of in Paul's room which I gave to Appledorm putting in our washroom so that we can have another seat because this is where we visit...then moving a couple chairs out of the living room into the bedrooms and the brown chair into the living room...I went downstairs and played dominos with some friends and believe or not I won a couple games..there were eight of us playing..then when I Came back up, we watched Jeporady and some of Comedy Central...then I helped Paul to bed and then read some..I am a little tired tonight but I am most every cleaning lady came today and I managed to get my sheets washed even though I did a lot of other things too..Steve and I thought that we saw a little snow among the rain as we coming home...hope everyone has a good night's rest...all my love and prayer, Mary
Sunday, October 26, 2008
LOVELY FALL DAY...........
I managed to get up this morning and get everything done (feeding Paul and dressing him for the day) and went to was a real rewarding for me and I felt very much a part of the Church...I went to early service and then to coffee which is held between worship and Sunday school...then Eileen picked me up and brought me home and went to her Sunday, I am going to go to Church with a lady who lives here and her daughter and then have Eileen just pick me up and bring me home...I am expecting a visit from the Minister soon as I met her at th hairdresser and she said she would make a visit...Steve and Eileen came by for a visit which was nice even though Steve seemed pretty tired...yesterday I took a large baked potato (leftover from one of our meals downstairs) and made a delicious potato soup...I am thawing hamburger to make a couple of meatloaves but it will have to wait until tomorrow since after Steve and Eileen left, I put a load of towels in the washer and they are now in the dryer...lazy day really...I am just finishing another book...Paul is watching T.V...Mark is coming this evening for a visit and I look forward to seeing him but since he is coming late, he probably won't be over until tomorrow...Dad doesn't know that he is coming...Steve suggested that I let it be a surprise and then I wouldn't have Dad continually asking me when he would be here
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Beautiful Fall Day in Michigan..............
My day has been a long one...up with Paul at 4 a.m. and then I couldn't get back to sleep so I got up about 5 and went in the living room and rested in our Lazy Boy Chair..then Steve took me over to Dittos, a resale place which has clothing and a little of everything...I spent about 1 and 1/2 hours finding some clothing which fits me..I was so tired of baggy pants etc....he brought me back and then went to a meeting and then came over later in the day to talk with Dad about going to Day Care tomorrow and we left that he could make up his mind tomorrow..I quickly threw in his white short and underwear since he didn't have but one pair clean and he needs, if he goes, to take an extra set of clothing for accidents do happen...he didn't even seem to remember refusing to go before...I plan to go get a hair cut and set from Eileen's hairdresser, Sarah, as our new gal here is just out of school however she really tries to please...we were informed that we didn't do trick or treat but we do have a halloween party and I was able to get a shirt at Dittos with a scarecrow on it which I can wear...this will be short as I am now off to bed....all my love and prayers, Mary
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Hello from Appledorn Village...
This will be rather short but I wanted to record a few things tonight...this is now my free time when I have help Paul dress and get ready for bed...he is needing so much care that I am really really tired at Grand Valley Nurse and I agree that I am probably getting about 6 hours a night...she was here today and I will have her until April when she graduates...I called Ella and Hilda tonight and had good chats with them...I am trying to reach out more...Dad is refusing to go to Evergreen Commons so today I haven't mentioned anything at all about him going but in the morning, I will simply get him ready as if he is going and we will see what was so good to talk with Ella and Hilda...well, I am going to sign off and get ready for bed....hope all of you have had a good love and prayers.....Mary
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Cool Day in Michigan
I got up and fixed Dad's breakfast and he is now in the bathroom shaving, I think...I went to see Dr. Nelson yesterday and he said that I am still on the upward path and we talked a little about a couple problems that I am having..I now have a load of clothes in the wash and facing this beautiful Fall Michigan you all....Mary, Mom, Grandma, Grt Grandma, Aunt, and Friend...
Sunday, September 14, 2008
I decided that I would go to the Presbyterian Church this morning even though it was really raining and Elizabeth came by in her rented car and took me....then she and Eileen picked me up after was so good to get back into worship and I told the minister to please call me as I left my telephone number on the pew pad...I have felt so lost but know that by contacting my Church is a good move for me...I also have an appointment with my Dr. Nelson who just talks with me about everything...oh yes, we had an indoor picnic here at the village which was held in the dining hall and it was pouring rain outside...I am now going to go and relax and read before I all of you...Mary, Mom. Aunt, Grandma, sister, Great Grandma, and Friend
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Loved that Apple Pie...............
Finally I got out of bed, dressed and Steve and Eileen took me to the grocery store where I rambled around and found the items I was raining "cats and dogs"...had to ask a couple of people to help me find some items...we are having a whirlwind visit from Elizabeth and so good to see and be with her..they came over and brought fresh backed apple pie (courtesy of Steve) and ice cream..yum, yum...I also did a couple loads of wash and dried which were mostly Paul's things...rain is forecast and I am trying to decide what to do about church tomorrow morning...I even pressed my dress to wear yesterday..oh yes, we have a picnic here tomorrow and Paul and I are signed up for it...I suppose that it will be indoors.... we are grateful for the love all of you....Mary, Mom, Aunt, Grandma, and Friend
Monday, September 8, 2008
Rain today...............
I don't feel much like writing today but decided to anyway...we started off the day with sweet rolls from our Eileen...she took dad to get his glasses and a new has the prongs on the bottom...he and I tried it out in the hallway today and he is getting use to it..I have done a little reading...rode the exercise bike for 5 minutes (all my doctor prescribed) I did some puzzles on the computer to exercise the old you can see I didn't push it today..oh yes, rain in Michigan today...hope all of your day is going well.....more tomorrow....Mary, Mom, Grandma, Friend
Saturday, September 6, 2008
This morning I was so lazy and called Steve to go shopping in the afternoon and I crawled back into bed and took some extra zzzzz...then Steve and Eileen came over and took me to the grocery store and Dad for a walk in one of the lovely parks of Holland...oh yes, Eileen also got Dad a cane as the doctor wants him to use one...I am having a hard time getting my energy up and I feel so draggy but think this is probably just a phase I am passing thru...Dad and I enjoyed sitting out on our balcony until the sun forced us in...we had a lunch of turkey sandwiches and some chocolate milk....and with Eileen's help we now have our applications for absentee ballots filled out and ready to mail this Monday...we also had a call from our good friend, George Jordan and talked with him which was so great..God is so good and we are so grateful for his loving watchful care...
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Sunset in Michigan on Wednesday evening.....
It has been quite some time since I have written here...the trip to Fenton just about wiped me out for a few days but now I am up and keeping up with everything that needs to be done (most everything)..yesterday I had to go talk with Dr. Nelson and it went very well and he decided that he didn't need to see me but in about six weeks to make sure that I didn't have any setbacks which of course could happen but I am hoping will not happen...I had an outside lady clean my apartment and she did a good job but I could only get her until November as she is a snowbird and flies away to Florida during the winter months...I cancel and signed up with the Village housekeeper...we will have to make adjustments for her since she is not a Liz (our former housekeeper who quit several months ago) but we are having more and more people move into the village and I wanted to land a morning cleaning so I signed up...some of the ladies are complaining because she will only give us 45 minutes for cleaning and I may have to go outside to get some cleaning done that I will need done..oh well, I will try and see...
Dr. Davis said that I could go back in the pool so I am going to try going down on the bus and have Steve pick me up and bring me home...the trip down is about 25 to 30 minutes but over an hour to come back...also, we have our Care and Share group in the morning which I will attend...dress and get a bus a little after 10 a belated Birthday greetings to Cynthia...and extra $5.00 which the cleaning charged...Steve is planning on taking me on the 17th to my friend Edna's 90th birthday buffet in Fenton...that is, if Ella comes I will have to work something out but her daugther, Sue, told me that I could bring her with me..I so want to visit with my sister and also be at Edna's party...oh well, I just have to wait and see how it works out..I am on my second book on is not quite as long as the other one (9 discs) as it has 3...this has been another looooooooog day so I'll just stop here and wish all of you and good night and pleasant dream....Love and Prayers, Mary,
Mom, Grandma, Aunt, Friend
P.S. I forget to tell you that Paul took a fall while we were at our house in Fenton...he and the boys spent from 2:00 p.m. arriving at Mark's house around 10 P.M...the took him to a clinic and they said because of his age they would not touch him and sent him to E.R...he did, however, have a concussion...he was trying to be helpful and when Eileen saw him, he was coming out the backdoor (steps) with both hands full and down he went flat on his face...he was quite skinned up and we had to watch him for several days but fortunately he got thru it and has healed quite nicely..
Dr. Davis said that I could go back in the pool so I am going to try going down on the bus and have Steve pick me up and bring me home...the trip down is about 25 to 30 minutes but over an hour to come back...also, we have our Care and Share group in the morning which I will attend...dress and get a bus a little after 10 a belated Birthday greetings to Cynthia...and extra $5.00 which the cleaning charged...Steve is planning on taking me on the 17th to my friend Edna's 90th birthday buffet in Fenton...that is, if Ella comes I will have to work something out but her daugther, Sue, told me that I could bring her with me..I so want to visit with my sister and also be at Edna's party...oh well, I just have to wait and see how it works out..I am on my second book on is not quite as long as the other one (9 discs) as it has 3...this has been another looooooooog day so I'll just stop here and wish all of you and good night and pleasant dream....Love and Prayers, Mary,
Mom, Grandma, Aunt, Friend
P.S. I forget to tell you that Paul took a fall while we were at our house in Fenton...he and the boys spent from 2:00 p.m. arriving at Mark's house around 10 P.M...the took him to a clinic and they said because of his age they would not touch him and sent him to E.R...he did, however, have a concussion...he was trying to be helpful and when Eileen saw him, he was coming out the backdoor (steps) with both hands full and down he went flat on his face...he was quite skinned up and we had to watch him for several days but fortunately he got thru it and has healed quite nicely..
Saturday, July 26, 2008
This has been a very busy day...Thursday evening I upchucked all my pizza dinner along with chills and the next morning I called Steve and told him I was unable to go with he and for breakfast but Dad didn't want to go because he had already eaten breakfast which I suspect was probably orange juice and cookies...however, Steve didn't want to go they didn't..I stayed in bed
on Friday and Steve graciously did my grocery shopping for me..but this morning I was up and fixed a good breakfast of bacon and eggs, raisin toast and coffee...then I did two loads of wash as we are going to Fenton tomorrow and needed some clean things...then fixed a good lunch..Stuffed chicken breast, broccoli salad, green beans (which Steve gave us) and a toss salad...I sat down and watch a movie..did some packing and went in to help Paul packed but he just sat there and glared at me and said that he didn't feel like I said O.K. and picked up a bag of recycled things and took them downstairs...on the way back I stopped on the 2nd floor at the library and worked on a puzzle and talked with a friend..when she left I looked at a magazine...then came on upstairs and started to write on my blog...I can't discribe how discouraged I get at times as the only relief I have from the pain in my leg is from the medicine..and coping with Paul's be fair, I think that today I have been rather cranky and that doesn't help the situation at fact, it probably makes it only hope is when I am able to spend time in prayer and meditation...this is a life saver for hope that all of you have had a fulfilling day today....My love and prayers, Mary, Mom, Grandma, Sister, Aunt and Friend
on Friday and Steve graciously did my grocery shopping for me..but this morning I was up and fixed a good breakfast of bacon and eggs, raisin toast and coffee...then I did two loads of wash as we are going to Fenton tomorrow and needed some clean things...then fixed a good lunch..Stuffed chicken breast, broccoli salad, green beans (which Steve gave us) and a toss salad...I sat down and watch a movie..did some packing and went in to help Paul packed but he just sat there and glared at me and said that he didn't feel like I said O.K. and picked up a bag of recycled things and took them downstairs...on the way back I stopped on the 2nd floor at the library and worked on a puzzle and talked with a friend..when she left I looked at a magazine...then came on upstairs and started to write on my blog...I can't discribe how discouraged I get at times as the only relief I have from the pain in my leg is from the medicine..and coping with Paul's be fair, I think that today I have been rather cranky and that doesn't help the situation at fact, it probably makes it only hope is when I am able to spend time in prayer and meditation...this is a life saver for hope that all of you have had a fulfilling day today....My love and prayers, Mary, Mom, Grandma, Sister, Aunt and Friend
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
This is the end of the day and I grew sleepy listening to my I dressed for bed and then decided that I would write in my blog...I did my first baking since coming here and I baked a coconut chess pie to take down to our Pizza Party evening..I didn't have any cornmeal so I went down the hall to my friend, Ramona, and she had some and loaned it to me...we had our meal downstairs tonight and it really was a nice meal, meat loaf, new potatoes, asparagus, tossed salad and dessert of carrot cake..really yummy..the size of the serving of meatloaf was so large that Paul and I brought half of it back to the apartment to use for meatloaf sandwiches for tomorrow noon is really a nice cool night..I have my bedroom window open and a nice cool breeze is coming in thru the went pretty well except when I wanted Paul to tell me if he would go to Evergreen Commons on Friday morning for a buffet breakfast, he wouldn't commit so I told him that I was asking Steve and Eileen (if she could) to go with us and I needed to call in the morning and make reservation and told him that I would ask him again in the morning...oh, and last evening while I was down play dominos with friends, Paul dressed himself up with his dress pants, nice shirt and suspenders and came down and joined us for the last 30 minutes..they invited him to come down next week and I thought that this week if he wanted we could try playing (our dominos from Fenton) before and if he felt up to it he could come down and join in...we only have one man and I know he would love to have Paul join us...he can also just come down and be with us without playing...I always invite him whenever I go down to play games but so far this is the only time he has shown any interest...I am now going to play some games on the computer before goodnight and love and prayers from Mary, Mom, Grandma, Friend, and Aunt
Monday, July 21, 2008
Monday Evening....
I started off my day meeting with my student Nurse...spent a couple hours with her and then had a cup of coffee with friends..came up and did a load of clothes..finished this and did some lunch for us..I had to take 3 Tyl #3 pills today and probably one tonight in order to rest..I then reminded Paul to take his pills and he gave me a hassle and then I had just about had it so I told him that I was going down for a cup of coffee so I went down and got a cup of coffee, hung around an empty lobby for about ten minutes and then went up to the Library and read some magazines..I was gone about an hour as I just had to get away so that is what I did...when I came back, Paul told me that he went down to the Lobby looking for me but couldn't find me...Yesterday he gave me a hassle about Church..I was ready to go and he said that he wanted to go with me so I said O.K. but he needed to put on a pair of dress trousers...his shirt was fine but he had leisure pants on and I didn't think this appropriate for a first time visit to a new church..he refused and said O.K. he wouldn't go so I said fine and went without him...I enjoyed the church worship..they have a bus which picks up here and I rode with a friend but before I got home, my leg was paining good friend seemed to want to introduce me to quite a few people and I tried to be friendly but really just wanted to get back to the apartment...When I came back to the apartment, Paul was really sorry and tried to appologise but I told it everything was O.K. and to forget it...Johnny also called today and I was so surprised that Paul was able to answer the phone and he talked with him quite awhile before I went in to the bedroom extension and found out it was Johnny..he was interested in finding out if we had any pictures of Dad's church in Roanoke and I'm sure we do and I told him, we would try to find one and send it to him...they had just return from Roanoke where they attended Marge memorial and burial..I was so sad that we couldn't go and really miss her so much...This is just a little rambling but as usual, I'm tired at the end of the day...Love and prayers, Mary, Mom, Grandma, Sister and Friend
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Saaturday Morning...
Yesterday, Paul really scared me..I came upon him in the Kitchen climbing upon my step stool trying to reach the bowls which I have stored on top of the cabinets...he said he thought that I needed to use them which I didn't and he put them back...that afternoon he started talking and I asked him what he said and he told me that he wasn't talking to me, but to the basket on the hutch...go figure, I can't...had my MRI and they asked me if I would like music to listen to while in the tube and I ask them for hymns and they gave me a headphones and played some very old, old, lovely is raining today and that doesn't help my achin' leg..went down and put a couple load of clothes in and now they are drying...sat and talk with one of my neighbors for a little while...we do a lot of visiting as we are waiting for our clothes to wash and dry...we had a pot luck for Happy Hour last evening and I fixed a couple pounds of cocktail weiners in my crockpot...once a month we have pot luck and the food is always good and we get an hour or so to fellowship...we all have a lot in common..achy bodies, houses on the market unsold, etc.., hope all is good for all of and prayers, Mary, Mom, and Grandma...............
Friday, July 18, 2008
Friday Morning.......
Got up about 5:30 a.m. and fixed our breakfast when Paul got up around 6:30..scrambled eggs with sausage, raisin toast and coffee..yesterday Steve took me to get an I went MRI to pinpoint what is causing all the pain in my left leg...that afternoon we had a blueberry Social and we invited Steve and Eileen so Steve came but Eileen couldn't because she was working...coming home from the hospital (I went in as an out patient) we stopped and got milkshakes (I was so thirsty that I got a medium instead of my regular small) and then after eating a bowl of ice cream with fresh blueberries I didn't think I would eat my evening meal but I did which surprised...boy, is my appetite ever good these days...Steve is coming by around 10:30 to take me grocery shopping...I know it will help his schedule if and when I can get our car here and I can begin to will not only give me some independence but also he will not have to take me everywhere...Steve tells me that I will be able to go back to Fenton in August to attend my very dear 90 old friend's surprise birtday party...also, I am now looking forward to my sister coming for a visit in August along with a visit from lucky can I get..not much, I think...hey, grandaugthers..leave me a line on my blurb so I can hear from you too....still sorting and discarding clothes...more later....hope the day is good for all...much love with prayers....Mary, Mom, and Grandma
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Wednesday eveninag...
Paul has retired and I will try to get down some happenings today...I started my morning by meeting at 9:00 a.m. with the Student Nurse from Grand Valley University..I spend around 1 1/2 to 2 hours with her and will spend some time next week...then, I came up to the apartment and made Paul and I lunch..then, Steve took me to Yonkers to do some personal shopping (the first I have done in a long time. they had a sale and then Wednesday is Senior day with an extra 2o% of) and everyone knows how much I love a bargain...I was able to purchase a couple pair of really good shoes, a replacement for the ring that I lost, earrings, a new belt and a new bathing suit..I was really tired when I got home but I didn't have to fix dinner as we ate downstairs in the dining hall..I got ready to go down and Paul is sitting in his chair and when I told him that it was time to go down he told me that he wasn't ready to go I simply told him that I was going on down to the dining hall to eat and when he was ready he could come down...I met three of my lady friends in the Hall and when they found out what was happening, they asked me if I cared if they went down to the apartment and asked him to come down with them...I went ahead down and when he came down with them, I was seated with my friends and I really didn't know if he would simply sit down with them or come over to my table and eat with me.. which he did as if nothing had occurred before...he also has been wanting to call his brother Jon and wanted to talk with him alone without either Ann or I on the phone which I did..I called Jon and explained that Paul wanted to just talk with him and when he hung up he was so concerned that the phone wasn't working all right and that he was unable to contact Johnny by I simply explained to him that his Parkinson's prevented him from being able to make the call himself and he accepted this explanation..but this has been another looooooooooooooog day and tomorrow I go for a MRI on the left side which is the side that I am having so much pain..they will try to pinpoint my problem and then know how to treat it...this has been a very hot day but we just had a nice shower and it should cool things off a bit....hope everyone has had a good so good night for now..........Love and prayers..Mary, Mom, and Grandma
Monday, July 14, 2008
End of a weary Day....
This has been a looong day for us...Paul has already retired early..we are both exhausted....he went this morning for his biopsy and then we had a time getting the bleeding to stop...Steve finally succeeded...Paul got up and had a sandwich but within the hour he was headed back to fact, he didn't even want to change into his pj's so he went to bed in his clothes..I stayed to watch a game show and to clean up the kitchen and decide on what we would have for dinner tomorrow..I am still in the midst of sorting and discarding clothing (which Mark and Leigh brought me from Fenton) far, I have two large boxes to donate to some charity...I am going to make this short and say goodnight and pleasant dreams to you, Mary, Mom, and Grandma......
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Sunday evening at the Village....
I was so pleased to get to go to the Presbyterian Church this morning...Eileen took me and attended with me...I also ran into my Counselor(the one that I just talk with) and he recognized me but couldn't remember my name...when we got to the car I took a fall as I was getting into the car...the side was downhill and my legs just gave out on me..Eileen told Dad and Steve that I was more afraid that I had grass stain on slack than that I was hurt..well, Eileen managed to help me up...I came home and fixed us some lunch..then, I took a short walk outside, had a cup of coffee in the dining room and read the newspaper from Grand Rapids...then came back up to the apartment and Paul wanted to get out of the we went downstairs and out the back door and sat in a double swing which was really quite pleasant...the sun was shining, a breeze was blowing and we just sat there and enjoyed the quietness and lovliness of the day...Paul and Eileen took Dad to see about the rash which appeared on his cheek and neck....the doctor prescribed an antibiotic and again I am not sure of the diagnosis but I do know that it isn't shingles...he is scheduled for a visit to the doctor tomorrow..Paul has now retired and I am winding down for the day...this has been a beautiful Michigan day and I am ready to retire and get some much needed rest...hope all of you have had a good relaxful love you, Mary, Mom, Grandma..
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Celebrated Eileen Birthday....
This has been a full week for us...Mark and Leigh were over and visited leaving today....yesterday, Steve took me to a Consignment Shop and I was able to show while he did my grocery shopping...I spent an hour and came away with a couple lamps (I knocked one over and broke the Globe part of it...I found several articles of clothing...and several needed items such a small hot pot, small scale, etc...Today Eileen and Leigh picked us up before Noon and we went over to celebrate Eileen's birthday...Steve had prepare a really souper meal for us consisting of a spinach salad with strawberries, a couple pasta dishes, delicious bread and raspberry and blueberry was sooooooo good...then Mark and Leigh brought us home..I continued to work sorting my clothes (which Mark and Leigh so graciously brought me from Fenton...washed about four rugs and dried them...clean the bath and now I am pretty tired...I am planning on going to the Presbyterian Church tomorrow and Eileen is taking me and attending...she is a little freer in the summer as their choir takes the summer off as so many do in the summer...I fixed dad and I something to eat and now I'm going to relax and either read or listen to my book on tape...hope this has been a good day for all of love you, Mary. Mom, and Grandma
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Thursday evening
Just a short note to tell you that the boys took their Dad to the Doctor's this a.m. she said that he had shingles (don't know how to spell) or another thing (which I can't remember what) in his brain...the was having regular throbbing sensations in in left side of his brain...they sent him home with instructions to watch for a breaking out of a rash on the left side of his face (which, thankfully, did not occur) and to give him a tylenol every four hours...he is very tired but much better and was quite talkive this evening before retiring....I have had a very full day and am quite weary but wanted to keep you posted on what happening...good night and God, Mary, Mom, and Grandma.....
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
News from the Village
.This has been a very busy day...I started out this morning getting our breakfasts...then I dressed to go and see my went well and I am improving and being able to cope with things...I will see him again in about 6-8 weeks...then, Steve stopped at Arby's and I got Paul and I sandwiches and shakes to bring home...when I got home I did a load of dark clothes and while the housekeeper was here I did the bed sheets which I always do when she changes the sheets...Steve went to Farmers Market and got me some fresh basil, Strawberries (which I shared with me friend Ivy as she is always doing things for me for instance she always brings our morning paper up from the lobby..she had never used the herb, basil, I gave her Steve's basic tomatoes in olive oil and basil recipe)..he also got me some fresh veggies...Dad is having reocurring pain in his head...I have given him an tylenol and if it doesn't ease up by morning, I will call Steve and see if we should do some checking..well, I,m pretty tired so that all, Mary, Mom, and Grandma ps hope everyone is having a good day!!!!
Sunday, July 6, 2008
I am a little weary tonight but thought I would write a little....Eileen came over Saturday and straighten my regular and queen size sheets and looked over my medications..I discovered recently that I was mixed up in a couple meds...they looked exactly alike so she helped me straighten this out....also, this Fall I will have a student Nurse working with me as part of her training at Grand Valley State University..I'm not sure what all this entails but felt it might be helpful to have someone to talk to about my health problems...we spent the 4th with Steve and Eileen having a cookout in their we all went to the Chinese Buffet and had Sunday lunch together...I enjoyed as the last time I didn't have any taste and this time did....I go Tuesday to the Pain Management Center to get some help with the awful pain I am having in my left leg...this has been about 3 or 4 weeks...I had to fill out forms which I did today...well, Dad has retired and after I finish this, I am going to listen to a book on tape which Eileen got me from her Library...also, David (if you read this) I hope that you had a very special Birthday today....also, I now am getting more rest at night and this is so helpful for me...that's all for everybody, Mary, Mom, and Grandma
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Thankful another Day....................
It is a lovely balmy day in Holland (72 deg.) and I have just finished lunch for us and am dressed to go to get my hair done at 3:30...Today at the Village is Happy Hour (an hour of food and relaxation and visiting for all of us and since I am going to gone for most of it, Paul has said that he
will go down for it...I have asked a couple of lady friends to look out for him....he does pretty good but still needs some assistance..I think this is really a good thing for him because he really leans on me quite heavily...a excruciating pain has developed in my right leg and even with meds I am always in pain...I have an appointment with Pain Management Clinic next week and am hoping that I will get some relief...I have not done my grocery shopping in about 3 weeks...Steve and Eileen have so graciously done this for me...they are so good to help me in whatever way they can....I called Ella and talked with her this morning and she is doing well....Mark and Leigh are coming up in a few days and we are both looking forward to their visit...we plan to spend the 4th with Eileen and Steve......hope all of you have a Happy Fourth of July....Much love and prayers, Mary, Mom and Grandma
will go down for it...I have asked a couple of lady friends to look out for him....he does pretty good but still needs some assistance..I think this is really a good thing for him because he really leans on me quite heavily...a excruciating pain has developed in my right leg and even with meds I am always in pain...I have an appointment with Pain Management Clinic next week and am hoping that I will get some relief...I have not done my grocery shopping in about 3 weeks...Steve and Eileen have so graciously done this for me...they are so good to help me in whatever way they can....I called Ella and talked with her this morning and she is doing well....Mark and Leigh are coming up in a few days and we are both looking forward to their visit...we plan to spend the 4th with Eileen and Steve......hope all of you have a Happy Fourth of July....Much love and prayers, Mary, Mom and Grandma
Friday, June 27, 2008
Friday after;noon............
I am waiting for Eileen to come and take me to Evergreen Commons to the Pool for some exercise but they are still waiting for their newly purchased piano to arrive...this has been a busy day for me as I went down to dining room for coffee with friends, took a short walk around part of the building..fixed Dad some lunch...put away groceries that Eileen got for me at the grocery store...played a computer game....yesterday evening we went to Steve and Eileens' for Pizza and had a great time then home again...I also received library tapes and a couple books which will keep me busy for awhile...we have a library here in the Village but it is not so extensive as the public library...I was able to get the book "No More Sleepless Nights which Dr. Nycamp recommended for me to read since I have for over a year been able to get a good nights rest...hope everyone is having good day.....Mary, Mom, Grandma....(three hats I wear).
Monday, June 23, 2008
Monday morning
It is Monday a.m. and Steve is here setting up this blog for me....beautiful Michigan day for which I am thankful...we have begun our day and I have a wash to do this afternoon and we are eating downstairs for our evening was so good to get to be with Matthew and Sarah last week...
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