Sunday, November 9, 2008

Really Amgry with PAJ...

Guess what?? this has not been a good evening for me...first I am sitting on my couch with my left hearing aide out of my ear and somehow, I flipped it somewhere and now I cannot find it...very frustating and then Paul wants a dish of chocolate pudding which I dish up for him and tell him to come to the table and eat it and he promptly walks over and picks up and sits down on the couch (where I was sitting and ignores me since I am fussing and asking who is going to clean the chocolate out of my couch when he spills it...luckily he didn't spill it for which I am eternally grateful but still kinda of upset as you can see...this is when the stubborn streak of German comes out very strongly..oh well, I can be thankful that it turned out well and that I am not now scrubbing the couch to get chocolate out of it...oh yes, a tidbit of news from Hour of friends were discussing it in our coffee klatch this afternoon..and I wen t on their websight to confirm what they were lady said that the Senior Minister fired his son... not so....they simply each had a different vision of where they wanted to take the Hour of Power in the future and since it was and is the senior Pastor's project...they decided to part ways...when I came out of church this morning, it was trying to snow but didn't last..I made a new friend at church this morning and her name is Mary...I am slowly getting acquainted since we have coffee immediately after the early morning worship and Sunday School...I feel better and the steam has stopped steaming from me because I was so upset with Dad..usually I can control it a little better but guess I have had a full day and am tired...talked with Mark..he and Leigh were at the Fenton house and they have a last gotten rid of all the excess food which I had squirreled away..told me the basement was dry...during hurricane season, I was worried that we had a backup in the basement but did not..he also was looking for some items that I wanted to take home with them and bring on their next trip over..I contacted my friend, Bev, to have someone rake the leaves..Mary said that the backyard was full of leaves but the front yard didn't look too badly..however, they could have raked the leaves and more leaves could have fallen...oh well, the trials of absentee home owner..hope all of you have your leaves raked and put all your flower bed to sleep for the and prayer, Mary

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