Wednesday, December 10, 2008

This is the end of another day for me and I thought that I would post a little something here. My housekeeper was here today and the apartment is clean and I have helped Paul to get ready for bed and he is now sleeping...I divided my wash into two piles darks and light colored as I am having some help come tomorrow to help me. They are called Comfort Keepers and they will help me laundry and I hope to learn how to find out how to take better care of Paul..thanks to Steve who help me get in touch with them...keeping all of you in my thoughts and prayers....Mary

1 comment:

Elizabeth J. said...

Dad told me that you were going to try to get some more support to care for Grandpa. I hope they can help. I love you so much and think about you every day. We are still trying to figure out our next steps with work and housing, but things aren't so bad. Today is Jeremy's mom's birthday so we're going to take her out to celebrate! Love you!