Monday, June 23, 2008

Monday morning

It is Monday a.m. and Steve is here setting up this blog for me....beautiful Michigan day for which I am thankful...we have begun our day and I have a wash to do this afternoon and we are eating downstairs for our evening was so good to get to be with Matthew and Sarah last week...


sarah said...

Hi Grandma!
Well done, your own blog!
It was really nice seeing you and Grandpa as well. I have been quite sad since leaving..

I'm just at work now - its almost 5 o'clock and time to go home. I've been terribly tired today and have developed quite a headache! Hopefully each day this week will get a bit easier. Jetlag is no fun!

i love you!
I'll be watching your blog.. I should write on mine sometime this week as well.



Eileen said...

I'm going to try this again! I thought I left you a message on here on your first day but it didn't take for some reason.

This weather - humidity - is giving me a sinus headache! Ugh. Maybe swimming will help it some.
