Saturday, September 13, 2008

Loved that Apple Pie...............

Finally I got out of bed, dressed and Steve and Eileen took me to the grocery store where I rambled around and found the items I was raining "cats and dogs"...had to ask a couple of people to help me find some items...we are having a whirlwind visit from Elizabeth and so good to see and be with her..they came over and brought fresh backed apple pie (courtesy of Steve) and ice cream..yum, yum...I also did a couple loads of wash and dried which were mostly Paul's things...rain is forecast and I am trying to decide what to do about church tomorrow morning...I even pressed my dress to wear yesterday..oh yes, we have a picnic here tomorrow and Paul and I are signed up for it...I suppose that it will be indoors.... we are grateful for the love all of you....Mary, Mom, Aunt, Grandma, and Friend

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