Monday, July 21, 2008

Monday Evening....

I started off my day meeting with my student Nurse...spent a couple hours with her and then had a cup of coffee with friends..came up and did a load of clothes..finished this and did some lunch for us..I had to take 3 Tyl #3 pills today and probably one tonight in order to rest..I then reminded Paul to take his pills and he gave me a hassle and then I had just about had it so I told him that I was going down for a cup of coffee so I went down and got a cup of coffee, hung around an empty lobby for about ten minutes and then went up to the Library and read some magazines..I was gone about an hour as I just had to get away so that is what I did...when I came back, Paul told me that he went down to the Lobby looking for me but couldn't find me...Yesterday he gave me a hassle about Church..I was ready to go and he said that he wanted to go with me so I said O.K. but he needed to put on a pair of dress trousers...his shirt was fine but he had leisure pants on and I didn't think this appropriate for a first time visit to a new church..he refused and said O.K. he wouldn't go so I said fine and went without him...I enjoyed the church worship..they have a bus which picks up here and I rode with a friend but before I got home, my leg was paining good friend seemed to want to introduce me to quite a few people and I tried to be friendly but really just wanted to get back to the apartment...When I came back to the apartment, Paul was really sorry and tried to appologise but I told it everything was O.K. and to forget it...Johnny also called today and I was so surprised that Paul was able to answer the phone and he talked with him quite awhile before I went in to the bedroom extension and found out it was Johnny..he was interested in finding out if we had any pictures of Dad's church in Roanoke and I'm sure we do and I told him, we would try to find one and send it to him...they had just return from Roanoke where they attended Marge memorial and burial..I was so sad that we couldn't go and really miss her so much...This is just a little rambling but as usual, I'm tired at the end of the day...Love and prayers, Mary, Mom, Grandma, Sister and Friend


jupiterjenkins said...


Good job on leaving space between you and Dad (going downstairs for coffee when you had just about had it with him). I know that's not easy to do.... love from Steve

Unknown said...

I think your response to Dad's unwillingness to take his pills and to change his clothes is spot on. (To be honest, I don't care about what he wears to church, but I think it's perfectly reasonable for you not to let him control the discussion.) Going downstairs or to the library is perfectly reasonable (hey - Dad used to go to the Garden City Library when he wanted to get away...). If he decides to come looking for you and can't find you, I don't think it will cause any lasting damage.

I like your new picture on the blog! Very good!
