Thursday, January 22, 2009


I have been busy this morning having breakfast and since my coffee maker suddenly stopped making coffee, I made a trip down to the dining room to get a cup..I have a load of sweaters to wash before I go over to the Cottage to see Paul and have lunch with him...then off to get my hair is so nice just to be a wife to Paul, supporting and loving him...although my back aches (I am taking pain pills) however
in two weeks I go to my Pain Management Clinic and hopeful the pain will be much better...I am so pleased with the care that Paul is getting..I feel that it the best and he belongs there where he is close and I can come and go and be with him..he is
adjusting well..Steve Eileen, Mark and Leigh continue to give me much needed support..this will be short as I am getting ready to go see Paul....

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